🌸I am so glad you are here and have found this resources page!
It is my passion to help you as a Christian woman to grow in faith and become confident, no matter what life throws at you. To help you become the woman God wants you to be, happy, confident, and walking in Christ.
On this page, you will find FREE Downloads, Bible Study Resources, Christian Living Tips, Personal Growth Printables, and more. Check regularly for new uploads…
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I pray these resources will be a blessing to you!
21 Characteristics of Prayer Warriors
Every praying woman is a Woman Prayer Warrior!
The attributes of women prayer warriors are not external, they are all internal. They concern her faith, her heart, and her attitude. These are characteristics we can make our own. The more we pray and the more we submit to God’s Word, the more those traits will reflect in us.
Here is the FREE 21 characteristics of a prayer warrior PDF.
40 Growth Mindset Statements
Are you looking for a way to cultivate a growth mindset in your daily life? Look no further than these ultimate growth mindset printables for adults!
Whether you need a reminder to stay positive or want to challenge your fixed mindset, these printables have got you covered.
50 Positive 7-letter Inspiring Words For Women
The words we speak are powerful—they can make us or break us. We can’t change much about what words other people use to us, but we can work on the words we ourselves use. We can speak positivity over our lives by choosing constructive and meaningful words.
In this blog, I give a full list of the 50 best 7-letter inspirational words.
30 Ways To Say No Without Saying No
Feeling pressured to say yes when you want to say NO can be challenging and uncomfortable.
But saying no isn’t about being selfish or unkind. Quite the opposite! It’s about setting healthy boundaries, honoring your commitments, and living a life aligned with your values.
Did you know it is even possible to say no without saying no?
10 Essential Self Confidence Tips for Christian Women-Pdf
Do you constantly doubt your abilities and questioned your worth? Are you often trapped by fear, hesitant to take risks, or step out of your comfort zone?
It’s time to understand the impact it can have on various aspects of your life.
With essential self-confidence tips and practical advice, you will be empowered to rise above any doubt, fear, or insecurity.
Wheel of Life Coaching Template Pdf-worksheet
Coaching on life balance can help explore ways to get more satisfaction out of your life and to create true Christian life balance to live with more peace, passion, and fulfillment.
As Christian Confidence Coach, I use the Wheel of Life worksheet as a coaching assessment tool to help my clients get a grip on life and increase in confidence
Who I am in Christ Printable Pdf
One of the The most important revelations we can find in God’s Word is that we are His. Who we are in Christ is more important than our identity based on anything else.
Exploring the Bible about who we are in Christ and creating positive affirmations based on it will help us know and believe “who I am in Christ”.
Click to download the who am I in Christ printable pdf (30 Statements of who God says you are).
JPEG: 20 images with Bible Verses about Bible Study
God gave His Word to us for wisdom. He wants us to study the Bible to get to know Him more and more each day.
You may wonder, does the Bible have Bible verses about Bible study itself?
Here are 20 Bible verses about Bible study to encourage and empower you to read in God’s Word daily.
Click to download the set with 20 jpeg images with Bible Verses about Bible Study.
“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NLT)
SOAP Bible Study Method Worksheets Pdf
God wants us to study His Word so he can give us direction in life.
Yet often we don’t create the time to study the Bible or we think we can’t do it because we aren’t pastors or theologians. But what if there is a simple way to study the Bible, one that everyone can understand? Such an example is the soap Bible study method; an easy and practical way to study the Bible for ourselves.
To give you a start, here is a beautiful free template for download: soap bible study method pdf.
“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it.” Joshua 1:8 (NLT)
PDF: 15 Powerful Morning Declarations
Our words are the channel for God’s promises to manifest in our lives. Words have creative power. We can use them to work for or against us.
An effective way to see God’s Word become reality in our lives is by using powerful morning declarations at the beginning of our day.
Commanding our day is prophesying over our day.
“The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)
PDF: 30 Powerful Biblical Declarations
Our mindsets can make or break us. Knowing how to control our minds will decide the course of the rest of our lives. When we use your mind negatively, we will end up feeling bad and inferior.
We can help our minds think positive, godly thoughts. An effective way to do this is by declaring and affirming God’s Word over our lives.
“Speak God’s Word over your life, believe it, and live in it.”
I compiled an easy-to-use list of 30 powerful Biblical affirmations, with a write-up about the reason to declare the Word of God over yourself.
“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews 4:12 (NLT).
JPEG: 21 Powerful Biblical Declarations-Instagram Images
You are all that God says you are!
God created you in His image. You probably know that already, but do you really believe it?
Knowing it with your mind and saying it with your mouth is easier than believing it with your heart. Yet God wants you to believe, by faith, that He created you in His image–in His perfect image. And He made you His masterpiece.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10