On Mondays, we can use all the motivation we can get to start the week off right. One powerful way to find motivation and guidance is through prayer. Powerful Monday motivation prayers in the morning can help you set a positive tone for the week ahead.
In this blog, you will find 30 powerful motivational prayers you need to kick-start your week. From Monday prayer to start the week, to Monday prayer for work and Monday prayer for myself, to Monday prayer quotes for several other important topics.
Need something quicker? Even the short prayers for Monday are listed in this article, as I know how busy Mondays can be!
So, pause, take a deep breath, and start praying for your Monday.
How do you pray on Monday?
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Praying frequently enhances our faith and our connection with God. God’s Word says we should pray at all times (Ephesians 6:18 NLT). We can pray anytime, anywhere, and about anything.
On Mondays, we can commit our lives and the week into God’s hands. It is an awesome way to kick start the week with God. We confirm our lives depend on Him and we need His strength to go through the week. That makes praying on Monday (especially in the morning) powerful!
We can pray about any topic on Monday. However, it is also the perfect time for a special prayer—a Monday motivation prayer. Why? Well, all of us can use some motivation on Monday morning! Whether we have to go to the office, need to rush to our shop, work from home, or fulfill our obligations at home as a SAHM.
No matter who we are, on Mondays, we can pray for motivation and to dedicate the week to God. It is the way to pray on Mondays. We can add it to our to-do list for our Christian morning routine.
In the rest of this blog, you will find various Monday motivation prayers and Monday morning prayer quotes. I pray these Monday prayer quotes are a blessing to you and help you get motivated for the week.
What is the best prayer for Monday morning?
What is the best prayer for Monday? Well, honestly, any prayer is good. There is no best way to pray.
But let’s have a closer look at Monday morning prayers. Monday morning is the perfect time to dedicate your week to God, as it is a stepping stone for the rest of the week. Praying motivational prayers on Monday, the first day of the week is a great way to commit the week to God’s hands.
Surrender to the Holy Spirit, dedicate your life to God, and start praying. You can also ask God to guide you during your prayer time. In addition to Monday motivation prayers, you can add powerful morning declarations to your schedule and read motivational quotes. All of these will boost your day and help you create a great week. I said ‘create’, as much is in our own hands.
We don’t have to let the day rule us. With God on our side, we can determine pretty much. Especially our mood and the way we handle bad days. Monday good morning prayers will bless our week and give us the enthusiasm we need to go on.
To give you a start, here are some powerful Monday morning prayer quotes.
4 general prayers for Monday motivation:
Motivational Prayer: Dear Lord, good morning. Thank You for a successful weekend, I am grateful. I dedicate the new work week to You. Have Your way. Help me stay motivated when I meet a stumbling block. I know with You on my side, I can overcome anything. Lord God, I need You. I know You gave me the strength, wisdom, and ability to work. Please keep me motivated throughout the week. In Jesus’ mighty Name, I pray. Amen.
Motivational Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I love You. Thank You for this beautiful day. I receive this blessed Monday from Your hands. I know good things will happen because You are with me. Today, bring me to a higher level of understanding of Your grace. I want to know You more. I commit to searching You first throughout this new week. You said that if I seek You, I will find You. Thank You, Lord, for granting my request. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Motivational Prayer: Lord God, I commit this Monday into Your well-able hands. Have Your way today and the entire week. Wrap Your loving arms around me and let me know it is well. I receive this week as a gift from You and I rebuke the plan of the devil in Jesus’ Name. Thank You for this wonderful day and I am looking forward to a lovely week. I encourage myself in You, o Lord, and I expect the best. Thank You. Amen.
Motivational Prayer: Dear Father in Heaven, do a new thing today. Let this be a great Monday. At the beginning of this new week, I surrender to You. On this wonderful Monday morning, I am in awe of Your grace and the work of Your hands. Lead me, Lord. Show me the way. I trust You. Thank You for going before me; this week isn’t new for You. You already planned it out. I step into Your will and Your purpose for my life, and I will follow You. Thank You, Lord. Amen.
Prayer for Monday work
Mondays are ideal for a prayer to start the week at work. After a nice and relaxing weekend, Monday mornings can be tough. However, God said we should work and He will bless the work of our hands.
When you lack the motivation to start your working week, the best way to get motivated is by asking God in prayer. You can pray wherever you are—with your face of the ground at home or in the car on your way to work. It doesn’t matter. As God is not limited to our location. He hears us when we pray.
Do you need some help and are looking for a motivational Monday work prayer?
Here are 4 Monday morning prayers for work.
Monday prayer for work: Father God, thank You for this new day. Today marks the beginning of a week full of opportunities. Father, I dedicate my work to You. Help me work as to You and not to men. I know I will receive an inheritance from You as a reward. It is the Lord Christ I am serving at my working place. Father, bless the office, bless my colleagues, and bless the work of my hands. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Monday prayer for work: Dear God, as I dedicate today and the rest of the working week to You, help me stay focused at work. Guide me in what truly matters. Holy Spirit, help me not to deviate from my responsibilities at the office. Fulfill Your divine purpose in me this week. Thank You, o Lord, for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Monday prayer for work: Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me another day. The past week wasn’t nice for me but I know you have a new opportunity for me this week. Let this be a blessed day and help me overcome the challenges of today. It is by Your grace alone, o Lord. Help me see the good things and stay motivated to work. I need You by my side, everywhere I go. Thank You, Lord. Amen.
Monday prayer for work: Father God, I am not feeling motivated to go to my work. My boss expects hard work from me and sometimes it is just too difficult. Please reveal the glory of God at the office and let my boss have mercy. Let Your presence be felt at work. Remind me each step of the way that You are there, helping me. Please, let today be a good day. So I can look positively forward to the rest of the week. Thank You, Father God. In Your Holy Name, I pray. Amen.
What is the inspirational prayer to start the week?
A powerful way to pray to start the week is by praying Scriptures or praying around Scriptures. God’s Word itself is the true source of our inspiration. By praying Bible verses, we speak God’s Word into our lives. God is faithful to manifest His Word.
God gives us a fresh start when we ask. When we commit our week to Him, He can make it our best week ever! Why? Because He is the God of New Beginnings.
‘The God of New Beginnings’ provides rich insights, examples, and guidance for receiving your new beginning from God.
You will learn to grasp God’s nature, trust Him, and rely on His unfailing love for you.
Let yourself be inspired by God’s Word. Use His Word in your prayers or as Biblical declarations over yourself. May God guide You as you pray. With a Monday motivation prayer, today is going to be an awesome day with God on Your side!
Besides morning prayers, make use of printable biblical morning affirmations to align your day with God’s will for your life. And in case work is tough, add prayers for endurance.
5 inspirational Monday morning prayers based on Bible verses.
Bible verse:
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 (NLT)
Inspirational Prayer: Lord, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You. I want to keep Your Word in my heart and act on Your promptings. Let my words draw others closer to You. At this beginning of a new week, I pray my life will be a sweet-smelling aroma for You. All I want is to be close to You and hear You say, “Well done, good and faithful servant”. Thank You for being my Father. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Bible verse:
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV)
Inspirational Prayer: Dear God, may Your steadfast love over my life never cease. May I walk in Your presence throughout the week and experience Your mercies each day anew. You said in Your Word that You would bless me. I surrender this new week into Your hands. Have Your way. Bless me. Bless the people around me. Show Your mercy to those who need it most. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
Bible verse:
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17 (NIV)
Inspirational Prayer: Lord, thank You for this happy Monday morning. I am grateful. Please, Lord, bless the work of my hands. I can toil, but without You, it wouldn’t produce anything. I commit the week into Your hands and trust in Your provision. You will bless my work and all that I do. I commit to serving You as best as I can. Grant me the understanding and wisdom to serve You. Thank You. You are a good God. Amen.
Bible verse:
“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.” Isaiah 43:2 (NLT)
Inspirational Prayer: Almighty God, I am not looking forward to this week. The pains I have gone through are too much to bear. Yet You promised in Your Word that I can pass through because You are with me. Please, Lord, let me feel Your presence right now. I need You in this place. I feel like my best days are in the past. Help me expect something good again. Please give me a good reason to go on. Even now, there is no other place I want to be than in Your house today. I thank You for holding my head up and helping me pass through this valley. Thank You. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Bible verse:
“Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us.” Luke 1:78 (NLT)
Inspirational Prayer: Your grace is sufficient for me, today and always. I am grateful for this new day, Your light pierces through the darkness. Shine Your light in my life, Lord, it has been dark. Reveal Yourself to me today. Let Your tender mercies reign in my life. Father, I rely on You. Same me. Guide me through. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
These are examples of inspirational good morning Monday blessings based on the Word of God. You can pray those prayers or pick your own Bible verses and pray around them. Pick motivational quotes from the Bible and you are good to go!
What is the prayer for Monday motivation?
Mondays can be tough. We have enjoyed the weekend and the blessings that came with it. Monday morning, the alarm rings early morning and we must drag ourselves out of bed. It is the time we can use extra motivation to face the day and the rest of the week.
Praying on Monday morning can help us through the day and the week, by the grace of God.
In the morning of Mondays, we can pray for ourselves, a family member, a good friend, or even all the inhabitants of the world. A prayer can turn your mediocre day into a great day!
To help you start, here are several good morning prayer messages for various topics. You can pray them exactly as written or use them as inspiration to pray your own prayers.
I pray you will have a pleasant day with these Monday morning motivation prayers. May God be with you as you pray.
Monday prayer for myself
It is okay to pray for yourself. We are daughters of God—we are worth to be prayed for. Christ Jesus said we should love others as ourselves; this means we need to love ourselves. One way to express self-love is by praying for yourself.
Here are 4 Monday prayers for yourself (Monday morning prayer for myself).
Prayer for myself: Lord, I know You love me. It is okay for me to ask You for something for myself. Help me love myself with the love You love me. I usually think I am not worthy. Please wash me with Your blood and ingrain deep in my heart how much You love me. Help me know who I am in You. I don’t want to live below the standard You have for me. Help me value myself, lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Prayer for myself: Father, this week I want to walk in Your presence. Reveal Yourself to me. Guide my steps and let me recognize the Holy Spirit’s promptings. Whisper in my ears, “This is the way, walk in it.” Without You, I would go astray. Help me not give in to the temptations of this world. I want to serve You, each day of my life. That is my desire, but I need strength to do that. Thank You for hearing my prayer. Amen.
Prayer for myself: As I start a new week, help me focus on what truly matters—both at work and at home. Help me see the beauty around me and not be so occupied with things I have to do. I want to learn to relax a bit more, while still fulfilling my responsibilities. You rested on the Seventh day, help me do the same. You create me for a reason. I want to walk in that purpose and do Your will. Thank You for guiding me. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for myself: Father, I need Your healing power in my life. I am not feeling well and tired of being sick. You are my doctor. Intervene on my behalf. You created me, make well what isn’t well. Take this sickness away and restore my health. I want to walk in this new week in newness of life. Thank You for healing me. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Each of these powerful prayers can be used as a prayer for new week for myself. Monday prayers to kick-off your week are the perfect tool to align your life with God.
And if you want motivational prayers for each day of the year, have a look at these 365 motivational prayers for women.
Monday prayers for others
Apart from praying for ourselves, it is good to pray for others. Each Monday morning, you can say a prayer for the week ahead and be a blessing to others. 3 Monday motivation prayers for others
Here are 6 Monday prayer quotes for others.
Monday morning prayer for family and friends: Father God, Your will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. This morning I bring my family and friends before Your throne of grace. As we start a new week, please watch over them and guide their steps. Pave the way for them. I know You love them even more than I do. Reveal Your purpose for their lives and keep them going this week. I cover them with the precious blood of the Lamb—they are safe. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Monday prayer for a friend: Lord Jesus, I am praying for my friend. She is going through tough times. Let her know You are near to her. Pat her shoulder and give her the strength to go on. Life has not been easy for her. This week, do something new in her life. Bless her with a fantastic day, granting her the strength to face the rest of the week. Reward her for her good deeds; she is Your precious daughter. Bring a turnaround in her life today, Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Monday prayer for my husband: Father God, on this beautiful morning, at the start of a new week, thank you for my husband. Please be with him and strengthen him. Let him know You are His Father and he is Your son. Guide his steps as he leads this family. Let Him know You at a deeper level. Grant him the wisdom to see new opportunities for this family. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Monday prayer for customers: Dear Heavenly Father, as I start a new week, I pray for my customers. I pray for the ones of the past, the ones that will come this week, and all the new customers You have lined up. Bless them as they are a blessing to me and my business. Help me understand their needs, so I can serve them better. I am grateful for Your provision. IN Jesus’ Mighty Name, I pray. Amen.
Monday morning prayer for friends: On this new day of the week, I pray for my friends. Most of them don’t know You. Pull them with Your love. Help me share Your love with them. I love them, even though they aren’t Christians. You love them all the same. I am grateful for each one of them. Please bless them and guide their steps. Thank You. Amen.
Monday morning motivation prayer for colleagues: Father, as we start a new work week, I commit all my colleagues into Your hands. Let their homes be peaceful and bless the work of their hands so they can provide for their households. Help them work together as one and not strive to be better than others. Let all strivings at the office cease. Help each of them understand their abilities and use them for the best of the company. In Jesus Name. Amen.
You can use these prayers as Monday morning prayer text messages and send them to the people you love.
What are some short morning prayers for Monday?
Don’t worry if you have little time on Monday. A powerful prayer is not necessarily a long prayer. We can use a few words and reach God’s heart with it. God looks at our hearts and motivation, not at the type of words we use or the length of our prayers.
Our Father in Heaven is pleased with our every prayer—including the short ones.
If your Monday mornings are hectic or you overslept, a brief prayer is perfect to start the day and your week. Even a quick prayer can give you the motivation you need to start and finish the week. Your Monday motivation prayer does not (necessarily) need to be long…
Looking for a brief Monday prayer for the week?
7 Short morning motivation prayers for Monday.
Short Monday prayer: Father God, I love You. Thank You for this beautiful Monday morning. I step out in Your grace and know all will be well. Amen.
Short Monday prayer: Hallelujah to Your Name! You are good! Thank You for a new week full of opportunities. I receive them all. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Short Monday prayer: Lord Jesus, good morning. I am grateful for this new day and a new week. I step out in faith and will move mountains this week. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
Short Monday prayer: Good morning, Lord. Thanks for this beautiful Monday morning. It is the day You have made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Amen.
Short Monday prayer: Father as we start a new week today, my desire is to dwell in Your house every day of the week. I want to know You. Thank You for revealing Yourself to me throughout the week. In Jesus name. Amen.
Short Monday prayer: Lord God, I dedicate this week to You. I surrender my life, my time, my energy, my abilities, and my finances to You. Lead me. Guide me. In Jesus’ name. Thank You. Amen.
Short Monday prayer: Lord God, I am grateful for Your love. I know You hear me when I pray. On this Monday morning, I just need some motivation to face the week. Please grant me just that. Thank You. Amen.
I hope you found your short prayer to start the week!
And if you want to bless others, send a quick message to your friends on Monday morning, and include these Monday morning prayer text messages.
Take-away Monday motivation prayers
Starting the week with powerful Monday morning motivation prayers can set the tone for a successful and fulfilling week. By seeking God’s guidance, strength, and motivation, we can face any challenges that come our way with confidence and resilience.
Monday mornings are the ultimate time to pray for ourselves, for family and friends, or for example for colleagues. No matter the topic of our specific prayers, God hears us and will give us the motivation we need to start and finish the week well, no matter how short (or long) our Monday prayer is.
Take a moment each Monday to pray and invite God into your week, and you will be amazed at the difference it can make.
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