We’ve all been hurt at some point in life, whether by a friend’s betrayal, a family member’s harsh words, or even a situation where we felt overlooked or mistreated. These experiences leave wounds, and sometimes, we hold onto them without even realizing it. The hurt, anger, or resentment festers, and before long, it becomes a […]
Let Go of Old Things—Embrace the New Life God Has for You
We all tend to hold on to old things, whether it’s a friendship that no longer serves us, a way of thinking that limits us, or habits that weigh us down. While it’s normal to cherish memories or to feel attached to the familiar, there comes a time when holding on to the past can […]
Let Go of the Shame—Discover the Power of God’s Redemption
Shame is one of the most powerful chains holding us back. Whether it stems from mistakes we’ve made, wrong decisions, or even things done to us, shame has a way of keeping us trapped. It whispers lies, telling us we are not good enough or that we are beyond God’s grace. But, as children of […]