Open Bible and frame with new beginnings text in it

God creates things out of nothing. He is not limited to creating things in a certain way nor at a certain time, because He is omnipotent and sovereign. God is the God of new beginnings. In almost every book of the Bible, we can find examples of God’s wonderful new beginnings-for the Earth as a […]

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Woman in sunlight becoming new creature in Christ

Our days can look like repetitions of the earlier ones, without change. We do the same thing every day and in the same way, causing us to feel as if we are not progressing in life. Experiencing this daily can cause us to feel down and dry. You long for a fresh feeling-a new life-but […]

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Smiling woman new beginning written on a box

Life can be tough, challenging, and disappointing. I don’t have to lie about that; I have passed through heavy trials myself. However, setbacks and failures are not the end of our lives. When we keep that in mind, we can positively face the future. Yet sometimes we are so occupied with our issues that we […]

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