Woman hands folded in intercessory prayer with part of her white shirt visible


Intercessory prayer points for the church are a powerful way to support and uplift your church community. By interceding on behalf of the church, you invite God’s presence, protection, and guidance into every aspect of church life. Your prayers can bring about spiritual growth, unity, and renewal within the congregation, fostering a stronger, more vibrant community of believers.

In this blog, we’re diving into 21 intercessory prayer points designed to strengthen the church, each backed by relevant Bible verses. We’re covering how to pray for everything from spiritual growth and unity to leadership and outreach, and prayer points for the church growth.

Each prayer point is paired with a Bible verse to help ground your prayers in Scripture. Whether you’re a seasoned prayer warrior or new to intercessory prayer, these points will inspire and equip you to stand in the gap for your church.

Ready to see the power of prayer in action?

Dive into these prayer points, intercede for your church, and witness the transformative impact of your prayers. And don’t forget to download your free PDF of the 21 intercessory prayer points for the church, to keep them handy as you pray.

Let’s get started and see what amazing things God will do through our prayers!

How to pray intercessory prayer for the church?

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Anyone can pray intercessory prayers for the church. You don’t need to be ordained or study theology before you can intercede for your church. As a matter of fact, God wants each of us to intercede for our various local churches and the wider church of God (the body of Christ worldwide).

My favorite Scripture about God looking for people to intercede is Ezekiel 22:30 (NIV):

“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.”

We also don’t need to do something special before we can intercede or while praying intercessory prayers. We can come as we are.

And you don’t need to use specific words in your intercessory prayers for the church. Lord Jesus Himself warned against using ‘high’ words or many words. He taught us a simple prayer instead (Luke 11:1-4 NLT).

When we pray, something happens in the spiritual realm—not based on our Words but based on God’s Word.

God can use anyone—even the most unlikely candidates. There is no limit to what kind of Person God uses. The key is to have a heart that is willing to stand in the gap and intercede on behalf of others.

Intercessory prayer is a powerful tool that can bring about transformation and revival in the church. In this blog, we will provide you with guidance on how to do that, practical intercessory prayer points for the church, and supporting Bible verses.

Use the prayer points in this blog to intercede for your church and witness the miraculous intervention of God!

Before we dive in, let’s look at what intercessory prayer actually is.

What is intercessory prayer?

There is a difference between prayer and intercession. Prayer and intercession are both forms of communication with God, but they have distinct characteristics and purposes.


  • General communication: Prayer is a broad term that includes all forms of communication with God. This can include praise, thanksgiving, confession, and requests for yourself or others.
  • Personal and private: Prayers can be deeply personal, focusing on your personal relationship with God. They often involve personal requests, confessions, and expressions of gratitude. However, we can also pray for others, or, for example, prayers for the nation or the church.
  • Various forms: Prayer can take many forms, including silent meditation, spoken words, written prayers, and singing.


  • Specific type of prayer: Intercession is a specific type of prayer where one person prays on behalf of another person or group of people. The primary focus is to pray for the needs of others and seek God’s help or intervention for others.
  • Advocacy: Intercessory prayer is standing in the gap for someone else, acting as an advocate before God for their needs, concerns, or situations.
  • Community-oriented: While intercession can be done individually, it often has a communal aspect, where small groups or congregations pray together.

In summary, while all intercession is prayer, not all prayer is intercession. Intercession is a focused and intentional act of praying for the benefit of others, whereas prayer encompasses a broader range of communication with God.

In this blog, we focus on intercession. Intercessory prayer on behalf of the church, to be precise.

How to do intercessory prayer for the church

Intercessory prayer for the church involves praying for the needs, well-being, and spiritual growth of the church community, its leaders, and its mission. Part of this can be prayer and fasting for church growth.

You can do intercessory prayer for your church based on prayer request. Meaning, that you have been asked to intercede for the church or have been given specific prayer points for the church to use during your intercession. This is one way.

You can also intercede for the church all by yourself (with God). You may experience a desire and passion to pray for your church and the body of Christ (God’s people). It can also happen through conviction by the power of the Holy Spirit.

No matter how or when you started praying for the church, certain parts of intercessory prayer can be used each time and by each of us. Enter your Christian prayer room, make yourself comfortable in your place of prayer, and start.

10 Parts of intercessory prayer for the church:

1. Preparation:

  • Spiritual Readiness: Spend time in personal prayer and reflection to prepare your heart and mind.
  • Scripture Reading: Read relevant Bible passages that inspire and guide intercession (e.g., Ephesians 6:18, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, James 5:16).

2. Praise and worship:

  • Begin with praise and worship to acknowledge God’s greatness, thank Him for His blessings, and invite His presence.

3. Confession:

  • Confess any personal sins and seek God’s forgiveness to ensure a pure heart while interceding.
  • Pray for the forgiveness of corporate sins within the church, seeking God’s mercy and grace.

4. Pray for church leaders:

  • Pastors and ministers: Pray for their spiritual strength, wisdom, protection, and guidance.
  • Elders and deacons: Ask God to grant them discernment, unity, and open hearts for service.

5. Pray for the congregation:

  • Spiritual Growth: Pray for deepening faith, commitment to God’s Word, and spiritual maturity.
  • Unity and Love: Ask for the spirit of unity within the church, healing of any divisions, and a spirit of love and cooperation.

6. Pray for specific needs:

  • Personal needs: Intercede for church members who are sick, facing difficulties, or in need of comfort and support.
  • Ministries and programs: Pray for the success and impact of various church ministries, outreach programs, and community services.

7. Pray for the church’s mission:

  • Evangelism / great commission: Ask for boldness, opportunities, and effective strategies for sharing the Gospel message.
  • Community impact: Pray for the church to be a light in the community, meeting physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
  • Global mission: Intercede for missionaries and global mission efforts, asking for protection, provision, and fruitful ministry.

8. Listening to God:

  • Spend time in silence, listening for God’s guidance and direction. Be open to any specific prompts or insights He may give.

9. Scriptural prayers:

  • Use Scripture for your prayers. For example, pray Ephesians 3:16-19 for spiritual strength and growth or Philippians 1:9-11 for God’s love and discernment.

10. Thanksgiving:

  • End with a prayer of thanksgiving, trusting that God has heard your intercessions and will act according to His will and timing.
  • Recommit your trust in God’s sovereignty and express faith in His answers.

Engaging in intercessory prayer for the church is a powerful way to support and uplift the body of Christ, inviting the presence of God and action in every aspect of church life.

If you find it difficult to pray or be consistent in prayer, you can ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Pray also against the spirit of prayerlessness. In those circumstances, it is helpful to follow the above parts/steps of intercessory prayer and to use a printed version of the prayer points for the church with Bible verses pdf (you can download it further below).

Example intercessory prayer for the church

Here are two intercessory prayer examples to get you started.

Example prayer 1:

Father of glory, we praise Your Holy Name. You are our Rock, our Fortress, and our help in times of need. We invite Your presence in our midst, o God. Dear Jesus, we confess our trespasses to You. We are sorry; we have sinned and cannot do without Your redeeming blood. Please forgive our sins and that of the church.

We pray for our church leaders, pastors, elders and deacons, and anyone in a leadership position. Please guide them, and give them wisdom. Help them serve You. Holy Spirit, help them keep the unity among themselves and in the church. Let them be an example of Your love. Let the church programs and ministries be blessed through their leadership.

We also pray for the entire congregation. Lead them and give them the desire to know You more. Please help the church members who are in need. Bless them financially and heal their bodies. Dear Lord, bless the evangelism efforts of the church—our church and the church worldwide. Let many souls come into Your Kingdom and be saved.

Father God, we are ready to listen to You. Speak to us and guide us with Your gentle voice. We will go where You want us to go. Help us discern Your voice among the many other voices in this world.

Give us as a church the power to understand how wide, how long, how high, and how deep Your love is. May we experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Make us complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from You.

Thank You, Lord God, for hearing us when we pray and granting us our petitions that are raised according to Your will. Thank You for channeling our intercessory prayers and giving us the desire to intercede for the church. We receive answered prayers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Example prayer 2:

Dear heavenly Father, we love You. You are worthy to be praised. We are grateful for who You are and what You do for us. Thank You. Please, dear God, have fellowship with us as we intercede for the church. We need You in our midst. Please, before we start, forgive our sins. Wash us and cleanse us. In Jesus Name.

Lord, we pray for our pastors and leaders. Strengthen them, guide them, and give them wisdom. Let them and the congregation be one in You. Let the spirit of unity prevail amongst us. We pray for those among us who are in tough times. Comfort them and let them know Your peace. Wrap Your loving arms around those who need You. Thank You.

Father God, we pray for the outreach programs of our church. Bless each ministry program and the volunteers in it. Let the programs be successful. We also intercede on behalf of the missionaries worldwide. Protect them. Send also extra laborers into Your vineyard because the harvest is big but the workers are little.

Lord, we are open to Your instructions and promptings. Speak to our hearts and spirits. Guide us with Your Word and Your love. We are ready to hear from You.

We pray our love will overflow more and more, and that we will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. Help us understand what really matters, so that we may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. May we always be filled with the fruit of our salvation—the righteous character produced in our life by Jesus Christ—for the glory of Your Name.

We thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers. Let Your will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. We are ready for Your answers in Your time. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

We have seen the steps of intercessory prayer for the church and some example prayers. Now, what are the prayer points for the church? We will look at it in the next section, followed by scriptures for the intercessory prayer points for the church.

What are the prayer points for the church?

Our God wants us to come boldly before Him to intercede for the church—in good times and in difficult times. He always wants to hear from us. He promises us mercy and grace when we do so.

“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 (NKJV)

With this in mind, we can look at the powerful prayer points for the church and start interceding for the church!

21 Intercessory prayer points for the church

1) Spiritual Growth and Maturity:
• Pray for a deeper relationship with God for each member.
• Ask for a hunger for the Word of God and commitment to daily Bible study and prayer.
• Seek the development of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) in the lives of the congregation.

2) Unity and Love:
• Pray for unity within the church, breaking down any walls of division or discord.
• Ask for a spirit of love and cooperation among members, following Christ Jesus’ command to love one another (John 13:34-35).

3) Prayer Points for Church Leaders:
• Pray for wisdom, strength, and protection for pastors, elders, deacons, and other church leaders.
• Ask for God’s guidance in their decision-making, spiritual oversight, and preaching of God’s Word.
• Seek renewal and encouragement for leaders, preventing burnout and fostering a passion for ministry.

4) Families and Marriages:
• Pray for strong, healthy marriages and families within the church.
• Ask for God’s protection over relationships, and for parents to raise their children in the faith.
• Seek healing and reconciliation for any families experiencing difficulties.

5) Youth and Children:
• Pray for the spiritual growth and protection of the church’s youth and children.
• Ask for effective and engaging children and youth ministries.
• Seek to instill strong Christian values and a love for God in the next generation.

6) Evangelism and Outreach:
• Pray for boldness and opportunities for members to share the Gospel.
• Ask for effective evangelistic programs and events.
• Seek a heart for the lost within the congregation, leading to compassionate outreach.

7) Discipleship and Mentorship:
• Pray for a culture of discipleship, where members are committed to growing in their faith and helping others do the same.
• Ask for the establishment of mentorship relationships, fostering spiritual growth and accountability.

8) Mission and Global Outreach:
• Pray for the church’s mission efforts locally and globally.
• Ask for protection, provision, and effectiveness for missionaries supported by the church.
• Seek God’s guidance in identifying and supporting new mission opportunities.

9) Health and Well-being:
• Pray for the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of the congregation.
• Ask for healing for those who are sick and comfort for those who are grieving.
• Seek strength and peace for those facing personal or financial challenges.

10) Prayer for church finances, Provision, and Resources:
• Pray for the financial needs of the church to be met.
• Ask for wisdom in the stewardship of resources.
• Seek provision for any building or expansion projects, and for the support of church ministries.

11) Community Impact:
• Pray for the church to be a light in the community, meeting needs of others and sharing the love of Christ.
• Ask for effective partnerships with local organizations and other churches.
• Seek to make a tangible impact on the community through service and outreach.

12) Protection and Spiritual Warfare:
• Pray for God’s protection against spiritual attacks and evil influences.
• Ask for the strength and discernment to stand firm in faith.
• Seek God’s intervention in breaking any strongholds or influences of the enemy.

13) Prayer Points for Church Revival and Renewal:
• Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit and a revival within the church.
• Pray for the fire of the holy spirit to revive the church.
• Ask for renewed passion, zeal, and commitment to God’s purposes.
• Seek a powerful move of God that transforms lives and ignites a passion for His kingdom.

14) Intercessory Prayer Points for Church growth
• Pray for the numerical and spiritual growth of the church.
• Ask for God to bring new people into the church and for effective assimilation of new members.
• Seek for the church to be a welcoming place where people can encounter God and grow in their faith.

15) Spirit of Wisdom
• Pray for wisdom to make the right decisions for church leaders and members.
• Ask for discernment and understanding in interpreting God’s Word.
• Seek guidance for wise counsel in personal and communal matters.

16) Open Doors
• Pray for new opportunities for evangelism and outreach.
• Ask for open doors for the church to serve the community effectively.
• Seek God’s favor in creating partnerships and collaborations with other organizations.

17) The Gifts of the Spirit
• Pray for the manifestation and use of spiritual gifts within the church.
• Ask for believers to recognize and develop their spiritual gifts.
• Seek unity and edification of the church through the diverse gifts of the Spirit of God.

18) God’s Presence
• Pray for a tangible sense of God’s presence in Sunday service, worship services, and gatherings.
• Ask for individual members to experience God’s presence in their daily lives.
• Seek for the church to be a place where God’s presence dwells powerfully.

19) God’s Agenda
• Pray for the church to align with God’s will and purposes.
• Ask for guidance in prioritizing God’s agenda over personal or organizational goals.
• Seek clarity in understanding and implementing God’s vision for the church.

20) God’s Blessings
• Pray for God’s blessings over the church’s ministries and activities.
• Ask for provision and resources to accomplish God’s work.
• Seek God’s favor and grace in the lives of church members.

21) God’s Power
• Pray for demonstrations of God’s mighty power in healing, miracles, and deliverance.
• Ask for boldness and faith to operate in God’s power.
• Seek the Holy Spirit’s empowerment for effective ministry and outreach.

I pray these praying for the church prayer points are a blessing to you. May you be revived to start intercessory prayer for your church and the church worldwide. May your prayers bring a change in the spirit realm, according to God’s will.

What scriptures to use when interceding for the church?

Praying based on God’s Word is a powerful way to intercede. You pray God’s Word back to Him when you do that. It also ensures you keep praying based on biblical principles (and not your own…).

It is useful to use intercessory prayer points for the church with Bible verses. It helps you stay focused and pray according to God’s Word and God’s plan for the church.

The Word of God is full of verses that can be used for intercessory prayer points for the church. Think of your specific church, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, and just open your Bible. You’ll find Bible verses to use during your intercession.

To help you get started, I created an overview of warfare prayer points for the church with scriptures. Many scriptures are from the Apostle Paul.

If you have never engaged in spiritual warfare prayers for the church, don’t worry. God loves you and for Him we are all prayer warriors. God is interested in all kinds of prayers!

This means even you can say a prayer for church breakthrough! Don’t be shy.

Now, let’s get started!

21 Intercessory Prayer Points for the Church with Bible verses:

1. Spiritual Growth and Maturity

Scripture: Colossians 1:10 (NIV): “So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.”

Scripture: Ephesians 1:18 (NKJV): “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.”

2. Unity and Love

Scripture: Ephesians 4:3 (ESV): “Eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

3. Church Leadership

Scripture: James 1:5 (NIV): “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

4. Families and Marriages

Scripture: Ephesians 5:31-32 (NIV): “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church.”

5. Youth and Children

Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV): “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

6. Evangelism and Outreach

Scripture: Acts 1:8 (ESV): “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

7. Discipleship and Mentorship

Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV): “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

8. Mission and Global Outreach

Scripture: Mark 16:15 (NIV): “He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

9. Health and Well-being

Scripture: 3 John 1:2 (NLT): “Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.”

10. Provision and Resources

Scripture: Philippians 4:19 (NIV): “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

11. Community Impact

Scripture: Matthew 5:16 (NIV): “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

12. Protection and Spiritual Warfare

Scripture: Ephesians 6:11 (NIV): “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

13. Spiritual Revival and Renewal

Scripture: Psalm 85:6 (NIV): “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”

14. Church Growth

Scripture: Acts 2:47 (NIV): “Praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

15. Spirit of Wisdom

Scripture: James 1:5 (NIV): “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

16. Open Doors

Scripture: Colossians 4:3 (NIV): “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.”

17. The Gifts of the Spirit

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 (NIV): “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”

18. God’s Presence

Scripture: Exodus 33:14 (NIV): “The LORD replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

19. God’s Agenda

Scripture: Matthew 6:10 (ESV): “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

20. God’s Blessings

Scripture: Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV): “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

21. God’s Power

Scripture: Ephesians 3:20 (NIV): “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

I hope these prayer points for church service with scriptures have been useful for you. Feel free to add your own intercessory prayer points for the church and add or change Bible verses. Align your heart with God’s heart and let Him guide you as you intercede.

Take-Away intercessory prayer points for the church

God wants us to talk with Him—we do that in prayer. He longs to hear from us. One type of prayer He loves to hear is intercessory prayer when we pray for others and the church at large. A powerful way to do that is by using intercessory prayer points for the church.

As part of our mission as Christians, it is good to be praying for the church growth. We have seen powerful prayer points for the church with scriptures to help us do just that. As well as prayer points for the church members and prayer points for the church growth.

Make these intercessory prayer points for the church part of your personal prayer life and intercede on behalf of the church daily. You will not regret it—God will reward you. He is a faithful God.

Don’t forget to grab your printable:

10 Parts of intercessory prayer for the church Pdf

21 Intercession prayer points for the church pdf

21 Intercessory prayer points for the church with Bible verses Pdf