
Using anointing oil prayer for home blessings is a beautiful way to invite God’s presence and protection into your living space. Whether you are moving into a new home, want to cleanse and purify your current home, or simply desire to create a sacred atmosphere, this practice can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and connection.

In this blog, we will look at how to bless your house with anointing oil and whether that is something you can do yourself. We will also consider the question is it biblical to anoint your house with oil, and we’ll check what the Bible says about anointing your home. And you’ll find a guide on how to use anointing oil prayer as a blessing for home and several pre-written anointing oil prayers for home to help you get started!            

Whether you have just moved into a new house or want to (re-)dedicate your current home to God, here you’ll find plenty of information for your house blessing! Join us as we explore how to bless your home with anointing oil and the use and benefits of  for home.

We will explore the significance of anointing oil prayer for home and how to anoint your home with oil. Let’s dive in…!

How to bless your house with anointing oil?

First, let’s have a look at what anointing actually is. The word anoint means “to set apart, to authorize and equip for a task of spiritual importance.” Anointing is a ceremonial act in which oil is applied to a person or object as a symbol of sanctification, consecration, and the invocation of God’s blessing, favor, and presence.

Anointing is a practice rooted in biblical tradition and carries significant spiritual meaning. Sanctifying your home with oil has the same biblical roots and brings blessings and protection to your house. You can create a sacred space and invite divine blessings into your living environment with the simple yet powerful practice of blessing and anointing your home.

What does the Bible say about anointing your home?

God’s Word mentions anointing with oil in various contexts, primarily for consecration, healing, and setting apart something or someone for God’s purposes. The Bible doesn’t directly mention anointing a home, but it’s done based on broader biblical principles.

Here are seven key points we can find in the Word of God:

Consecration and Dedication of Things:

  • Exodus 30:29 (ESV): “You shall consecrate them so they will be most holy, and whatever touches them will be holy.”
  • In the Old Testament, objects in the tabernacle were anointed to be set apart for God’s use, symbolizing God’s presence and blessing.

Blessing and Calling:

  • 1 Samuel 10:1 (NIV): “Then Samuel took a flask of olive oil and poured it on Saul’s head and kissed him, saying, ‘Has not the Lord anointed you ruler over his inheritance?’”
  • Anointing oil was used to proclaim God’s blessing, favor, or calling on a person’s life, as with kings, prophets, and priests.

Favor and Provision:

  • Psalm 23:5 (NIV): “You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”
  • This verse symbolizes God’s blessing and favor, often interpreted in the context of anointing and provision.


  • Psalm 91:9-10 (ESV): “Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place—the Most High, who is my refuge—no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.”
  • Although it doesn’t explicitly mention anointing, this passage addresses the divine protection that people often seek through anointing their homes.

Symbol of the Holy Spirit:

  • 1 Samuel 16:13 (ESV): “Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward.”
  • Anointing with oil symbolizes the presence and work of the Holy Spirit. When anointing a home, we usually add an anointing prayer for home, for the Holy Spirit’s presence and guidance to manifest within our households.


  • Isaiah 10:27 (NKJV): “It shall come to pass in that day That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, And his yoke from your neck, And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.”
  • Anointing with oil is a symbol of God’s power to remove burdens and break yokes of bondage, representing spiritual freedom and deliverance from oppression.

Healing and Sanctification:

  • James 5:14-15 (NKJV): “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.”
  • Anointing with oil is associated with anointing prayer for healing and sanctification. Extending this practice to your home symbolizes a desire for spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

All seven aspects of anointing with oil are still valid today, in modern times. God and His Word do not change. There is still power in using anointing oil—not because of the oil, but because of God’s power working through it.

The tabernacle was the house of God in Old Testament times—the tabernacle was anointed by priests. Now, God Himself lives with us (in us), making it an excellent reason to anoint ourselves and our homes.

So…is it biblical to anoint your house with oil? The answer is a resounding “Yes!”

How do I bless my house myself?

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In the Old Testament, the priests and anointed men would anoint people, things, and the tabernacle. Ordinary persons couldn’t do that because people did not have a direct relationship with the Father.

In the New Testament, anyone could use anointing oil. Christ Jesus opened the way for us. Anointing people with olive oil became also a method of healing (Mark 6:13).

Christians receive symbolic anointing from God, not through an external purification ritual, but by partaking in the Holy Spirit’s anointing of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 1:21–22).

Blessing your house with anointing oil is a wonderful way to bless your home. There are several other practices you can incorporate to invite God’s presence and blessing into your home.

10 Ways to bless your house yourself:

1. Prayer Walk Through Your Home

  • Purpose: To dedicate each space to God through house anointing prayer.
  • How: Walk through each room, praying aloud or silently for God’s presence, protection, and blessing in each area. Pray for specific needs and concerns relevant to each space.

2. Scripture Readings and Declarations

  • Purpose: To fill your home with the Word of the Lord.
  • How: Read passages of scripture aloud in each room. Post familiar verses on walls, doors, or mirrors as constant reminders of God’s promises. Scriptures such as Psalm 91, Psalm 23, and Deuteronomy 28:6 are great choices.

3. Worship and Praise

  • Purpose: To create an atmosphere of praise and worship in your home.
  • How: Play worship music regularly. Sing songs of praise and worship together as a family. Use musical instruments if you have them.

4. Invite Others to Pray

  • Purpose: To involve your faith community in blessing your home.
  • How: Invite Christian friends, family members, or church members to join you in a house blessing ceremony. They can bring prayers, scriptures, and encouragement.

5. Use of Symbols and Art

  • Purpose: To visually represent your faith and dedication to God.
  • How: Decorate your home with crosses, Christian art, scripture plaques, and other symbols of faith. These items can serve as visual reminders of God’s presence and blessing.

6. Regular Family Devotions

  • Purpose: To build a spiritual foundation in your home.
  • How: Set aside regular times for family devotions, Bible study, and prayer. This practice helps create a spiritually nurturing environment.

7. Fasting and Prayer

  • Purpose: To seek God’s guidance and blessing through fasting.
  • How: Dedicate a day to fasting and praying specifically for your home and family. Seek God’s will, protection, and blessings.

8. Acts of Service and Hospitality

  • Purpose: To bless others and invite God’s presence through service.
  • How: Use your home as a place of hospitality and service. Invite others over for meals, fellowship, and support. Serve your community from your home base.

9. Spiritual Cleansing

  • Purpose: To remove any spiritual negativity or hindrance.
  • How: Pray for the removal of any negative influences, past traumas, or spiritual strongholds. Declare your home as a place dedicated to God and free from anything that opposes His presence.

10. Seasonal Blessings

  • Purpose: To continually dedicate your home to God.
  • How: Perform a house blessing at the start of each new season or year. This helps renew your commitment to keep your home a sanctuary for God’s presence.

By using these practices, you can continuously invite and maintain God’s presence and blessing in your home, making it a place of peace, joy, and spiritual growth.

Now, let’s look at the main focus of this blog: anointing oil prayer for home. If you wonder how do you anoint your house with oil, the next section will guide you on how to anoint a house.

How do I anoint my home with oil?

We can have various reasons to bless and anoint our homes. Examples are when you:

  • move to a new house,
  • have a newborn baby,
  • just got born again,
  • got married,
  • feel there is something wrong in your home,
  • experience health issues,
  • face a major life change,
  • desire a fresh start, a new beginning,
  • feel the need for spiritual strengthening,
  • etc.

For either of these reasons, you can anoint your home one time or choose to do it on a more regular basis—either way is fine, there is no strict rule for that.

Now, you decided to do an anointing oil prayer for home, but don’t know where to start… I get that.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to anoint your home with oil (FREE download).

12 Steps to use anointing oil prayer to bless your home:


1Gather Supplies:
• Anointing Oil: You can use olive oil or purchase specially prepared anointing oil (special oil), holy anointing oil from the holy land, or essential oils such as liquid myrrh. The type of oil doesn’t really matter, as it is more a symbol of your faith in God and His power to bless your home. The most important thing is that you use oil, have faith in God, and trust God’s ability to use the oil.
• Bible: For reading scriptures and prayers.

2 – Set Your Intention
• Before starting the house anointing prayer, take a moment to set your intention. What do you hope to achieve with this blessing? Whether it’s creating a peaceful and harmonious environment, inviting love and abundance, or seeking protection, clearly state your intention in your mind or out loud.

3 – Pray for Guidance:
• Pray over the oil to dedicate it for this purpose. When you pray over or consecrate the oil, you set it apart and it becomes anointing oil.
• Then begin with a personal prayer, asking God to guide you and bless your home, and dedicate the anointing process. Further down in this blog, you’ll find example prayer for anointing house with oil.

4 – Practically clear your home:
• Remove anything with evil roots from your home. Examples include books, movies, clothing featuring specific imagery, or objects linked to negative spirits. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.

5Rebuke and cover with the blood of Jesus Christ:
• Remind yourself that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12 ESV) This is the basis for the rest of the anointing process.
• Rebuke the influence of darkness and any enemy attacks on your home or family. Plead the precious blood of Jesus over each room and your family. The blood of the Lamb holds tremendous power.

The anointing Process

6 Read Scripture:

Choose scriptures about God’s presence, protection, and blessing. Some suggestions are:

  • Psalm 91: A psalm of protection.
  • Psalm 121: A psalm of God’s help and watchful care.
  • Deuteronomy 28:6: “You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.”
  • Numbers 6:24-26: The Aaronic blessing.

7 – Pray Over Each Room:
Entrance: Start at the front door. Pray for God’s protection over your home and all who enter. Anoint the outer walls, the doorpost, and the security systems with oil, making the sign of the cross, and say a blessing such as, “In the name of Jesus, I bless this entrance. May God’s protection and peace be upon all who enter here.”
Living Areas: Pray for peace, joy, and fellowship in these spaces. Anoint the main walls and the frame of every door, asking for God’s presence to fill the room.
Kitchen/Dining Area: Pray for provision and gratitude. Anoint the doorposts and key areas, like the dining table, thanking God for His provision.
Bedrooms: Pray for rest, dreams, and spiritual growth. Anoint the bedposts or headboards, praying for peaceful sleep and protection.
Bathrooms: Pray for cleansing and renewal. Anoint the doorframes, asking for God’s refreshing and renewal.
Office/Work Areas: Pray for productivity, creativity, and integrity. Anoint the desk and doorframes, dedicating the work done in this space to God.
Outdoor Spaces: Pray for safety, enjoyment, and stewardship. Anoint the door leading to these areas, asking for God’s protection and blessing over your property.

8 – Anoint with Oil:
• Dip your finger in the anointing oil.
• Mark the sign of the cross on doorposts, windows, and other significant areas in each room.
• As you anoint, say a simple blessing, such as, “In the name of Jesus, I bless this room. May God’s presence and peace dwell here.”

9 – General Prayer for the House:
• After anointing each room, gather in a central location (e.g., living room) and pray a comprehensive blessing over the entire house.

After the blessing

10 – Maintain a Prayerful Atmosphere:
• Regularly pray for your home and family.
• Play worship music to create a spiritually uplifting environment.
• Keep your home filled with reminders of God’s love and presence, such as crosses, scripture plaques, or Christian art.

11 – Live godly:
• Practise a Christian lifestyle.
• Desist from using common carriers of evil spirits and the power of darkness, such things as horror movies, certain video games, and activities that glorify violence or the occult.
• Don’t let spiritual junk enter your house, through books and music, dark-themed online content, unwholesome entertainment, pornography, or accessories.

12 – Live Out the Blessing:
• Practice hospitality, kindness, and forgiveness within your home.
• Encourage family devotions, Bible study, and shared prayer times.

Take each step by faith, believing, and receiving God’s supernatural protection over your home and family. By following these steps, you can anoint your home with oil and create a space where God’s presence is welcomed and felt.

What do you say when anointing your house?

When anointing your house, you can use a combination of prayers, scripture readings, and blessings to invite God’s presence, God’s protection, and God’s blessing into your home. Invite the power of the Holy Spirit and ask Him to guide you.

Ask the Spirit of the Lord to help you know what to pray—He will give you the right words to say. Make sure you pray in the Name of the Lord and break the power of evil spirits in and around your house. Remember that praying is spiritual warfare. But don’t be afraid. God has made you a prayer warrior and given you authority over the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19).

Why do we pray when we anoint our homes? Because “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” (James 5:16 NLT)

Praying for your house is as important as praying for your nation and praying for the church. So, what is the prayer for anointing oil?

What is the prayer for the anointing of my home?

Let’s look at some sample anointing oil prayers for home.

Short prayer to anoint a house after moving into an older home:

Father God, hallowed be Your Name. The Kingdom of God come, here in our new home as it is in Heaven. Lord, use this sacred anointing oil as a channel of Your grace. In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out all the evil roots of the previous owners. By anointing this house in the Name of Jesus, it now belongs to God. Father, bless this house and all who live in it and all who enter. Sanctify this house, Lord. Thank You. Amen.

Short anointing oil prayer for a newly built house or new apartment:

Lord God, thank You for giving us this new house. I bless this house in the Name of Christ Jesus. Let Your anointing flow through this house and let Your Spirit reign. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I anoint this house—it is set apart for God. Your will be done in this house, o Lord. Fill this house with Your presence. I set this house apart for God’s purposes. In Jesus Holy Name, I pray. Amen.

Short anointing oil prayer for home: bedroom

Heavenly Father, You are the God of peace. I anoint and bless this bedroom to be a reflection of Your peace. Our sleep will be sound, without nightmares. I rebuke any demonic spirits and instead release the Spirit of God into this room. I thank You, Lord, for Your peace in this room. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Powerful anointing prayer for home: living room / family room

Father God, in the Name of Jesus I bless and sanctify this family room. May the presence of God fill this room as I anoint it with holy oil. Let the unity of the Spirit be felt and may all who enter receive Your blessing. I clear this room from every darkness and wrong spirits, in Jesus Name. Let Your power rest in this room. In Jesus’ mighty Name, I pray. Amen.

Short anointing oil prayer for home: kitchen

Dear Lord, I set this kitchen apart for Your use and Your glory. Sanctify every utensil and item in this pantry, in Jesus Name. I cover the full kitchen with the blood of Jesus. Lord, let every meal prepared here be sanctified. Let joyful memories be built here in this kitchen and let happiness reign. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Powerful anointing oil prayer for home: bathroom

Father God, we praise Your Holy Name. Lord, sanctify this bathroom. Rinse it with Your precious blood. Whenever we enter and take a bath, wash us clean and make us white as snow. Let the pure water of Your Holy Spirit refresh us each time we enter. Forgive us our sins, Lord, and purify us. Thank You, Lord, for this room. In the mighty Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Take-away on how to use anointing oil prayer for home

Using anointing oil prayer for home blessings is a powerful practice to invite God’s presence and protection into your living space. By setting your intention, choosing the right oil, and reciting prayers in faith, you can create a sacred atmosphere filled with love, peace, and harmony.

We provided a detailed, step-by-step guide on using anointing oil in your home. This includes preparing your supplies, praying for guidance, and anointing each room while reading scriptures and praying specific blessings. We also emphasized the importance of maintaining a prayerful atmosphere through regular prayers, worship, and scripture readings.

By following these steps, you can create a spiritually enriching environment in your home, ensuring that God’s presence, protection, and blessings are continually invited and felt. Regularly performing this ritual can help maintain the positive energy in your home and deepen your spiritual connection.

Don’t forget to download your free printable anointing oil prayer for home Pdf.