Colorful overhead shot of journal with positive self-talk worksheets and pens


Are you ready to give yourself a little grace and start speaking words of life and encouragement over yourself? Let’s talk about positive self-talk and how it can help build up your self-esteem. A great resource to help you reframe your thoughts & talk is by using a positive self talk worksheet for adults.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had those moments where your inner critic takes over, whispering all the things you think you can’t do or aren’t good enough at. But here’s the good news—God calls us to a life of truth, and that includes the truth we speak to ourselves!

In this blog, we’ll dive into some practical ways to shift from negative self-talk to positive self-talk. We’ll cover what the “three C’s” of self-talk are, examples of positive and negative self-talk, and how you can stop those negative thoughts in their tracks.

We’ll also explore the benefits of positive self-talk for both your mental health and physical health.

And to top it off, I’ve created some free positive self-talk worksheets for adults that you can download in a digital format to guide you on this journey. You can download your free resource (digital download Pdf files) at the end of this blog.

Let’s get started!

What are the Three C’s of Self-Talk?

Self-talk is simply the internal dialogue you have with yourself—those thoughts that run through your mind every day. It’s like a constant conversation happening inside your head, and whether you realize it or not, it has a significant impact on how you feel about yourself and the world around you.

This inner dialogue can shape your mood, your actions, and even your faith. We often don’t give it much thought, but it’s always there, influencing the way we approach challenges, relationships, and even our walk with God.

When our self-talk is positive, it can be incredibly encouraging. It’s the voice that reminds you, “You’ve got this!” when you’re facing a tough situation, or “You did your best, and that’s what matters” after a setback.

Positive self-talk builds up your self-esteem, helps you see situations in a more hopeful light, and motivates you to keep going, even when life feels hard. Plus, it can help you cultivate a positive outlook in your daily life.

But when our self-talk is negative, it can become our own worst enemy. It’s that critical voice that whispers, “You’re not good enough,” or “Why even try? You’ll just fail again.” This kind of negative self-talk can eat away at your confidence, leaving you feeling discouraged and stuck. It can even affect your relationship with God, making you feel unworthy or distant from His love.

I used to struggle with this myself. It felt like no matter how hard I tried, there was always that inner critic pointing out what I did wrong or how I could’ve been better. It was exhausting, and it left me feeling unworthy of the good things in my life.

But as I grew in my faith, I realized that God calls us to renew our minds and fill our hearts with His truth. That includes speaking kindly to ourselves, the same way He speaks to us.

Changing the way you talk to yourself isn’t easy, but it’s definitely possible! It takes some practice, but over time, you can learn to replace those critical thoughts with ones that are true, uplifting, and aligned with what God says about you.

That’s where the “Three C’s” of self-talk come in—catching, challenging, and changing those negative thoughts so you can start living with more confidence and joy.

The three C’s of self-talk

The “Three C’s of Self-Talk” are a helpful way to remember how to reshape your thoughts in a healthy, Christ-centered way:

  1. Catch It: The first step to changing your self-talk is to catch those negative thoughts when they pop up. Maybe you’ve caught yourself thinking, “I’m just not good enough,” or “I always mess things up.” Recognize these thoughts for what they are—lies that can hold you back. By identifying these negative self-referential schemas, you can dismantle them.
  2. Challenge It: Once you’ve caught the negative thought, challenge it. Ask yourself, “Is this really true?” or “What does God say about this?” For example, if you think, “I’m a failure,” you can challenge that by reminding yourself that God’s grace is sufficient for you and that you’re learning and growing. This step often requires mindfulness exercises to help you stay grounded in the truth.
  3. Change It: Finally, change that negative thought into a positive, affirming one. Replace “I can’t do this” with “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This step is about aligning your thoughts with God’s truth and speaking words that build you up, using positive phrases that enhance your self-esteem.

The three C’s are a great way to keep your self-talk in check and make sure you’re not letting those negative thoughts run wild. It’s all about being intentional in what you allow yourself to believe.

Scroll down to get your own positive self talk pdf.

Does positive self talk work?

Does it really work, you may ask?

Well… positive self-talk works, and it can make a big difference in our lives!

From a Christian perspective, the way we speak to ourselves matters because our thoughts often shape our actions and attitudes. The Bible even says in Proverbs 23:7, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” This means that what we dwell on in our minds influences who we become. And it means we can expect a positive outcome when we speak positively.

When we practice positive self-talk, we’re essentially choosing to replace negative thoughts with affirmations of God’s truth. It’s not about ignoring challenges but about seeing ourselves the way God sees us—loved, capable, and worthy.

For example, instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” you might remind yourself, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). It’s like rewiring our brain to focus on the good, to see our potential, and to trust God’s promises over the doubts that creep in.

Think of it this way: If you keep telling yourself that you’re not good enough or that you’ll never succeed, you’ll start believing it and behaving that way. But when you intentionally speak words of life and encouragement, you start to believe those, too.

And when your thoughts align with God’s truth, you live out the fullness of who He’s called you to be.

So yes, positive self-talk absolutely works—especially when it’s rooted in the Word of God!

And the good news is that positive self- talk skills can be learned. Scroll down and get your free positive self talk printable and find out for yourself.

What are 5 Positive Self-Talks?

Positive self-talk isn’t just about saying nice things to yourself—it’s about speaking truth over your life.

Here are 5 positive self-talk statements examples that can help boost your self esteem:

  1. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14) Remind yourself that you are a unique creation, designed with purpose and love.
  2. I am capable and equipped for this task.” Whether it’s a big project or a small challenge, God has given you the ability to handle it.
  3. God’s plans for me are good.” (Jeremiah 29:11) When you’re feeling uncertain about the future, remember that God’s plan is filled with hope and purpose.
  4. I am loved and valued.” You are deeply loved by God, and your worth doesn’t come from your performance but from who you are in Him.
  5. I can grow and learn through challenges.” When things don’t go as planned, it’s an opportunity for personal growth. Embrace it as a chance to learn and lean on God’s strength.

These affirmations can help you focus on the truth of who you are and what God says about you, even when your inner critic tries to tell you otherwise.

Positive and Negative Self-Talk Examples

It’s easy to fall into the habit of negative self-talk, but shifting to positive self-talk can make a world of difference in how we see ourselves.

Negative self-talk often sneaks in when we feel stressed, disappointed, or overwhelmed, making us believe lies about our worth and abilities. But when we intentionally replace those thoughts with positive self-talk, we start to see ourselves through a lens of truth and grace.

It’s about recognizing the harsh thoughts that hold us back, challenging them, and choosing to speak words of encouragement and possibility instead.

This shift can transform our mindset, helping us to build confidence, embrace challenges, and live in alignment with God’s promises.

What can help you get an understanding of how to reframe your thoughts and self talk, is to look at positive and negative self talk examples.

Here are a few examples of positive self-talk:

  • Negative Self-Talk: “I’m always messing things up.”
    Positive Self-Talk: “I make mistakes sometimes, but I’m learning and getting better.”
  • Negative Self-Talk: “I’ll never be as good as them.”
    Positive Self-Talk: “I am on my own journey, and I have my own strengths.”
  • Negative Self-Talk: “I can’t do this—it’s too hard.”
    Positive Self-Talk: “This is challenging, but I can take it one step at a time and grow through it.”
  • Negative Self-Talk: “I don’t deserve good things.”
    Positive Self-Talk: “I am worthy of love and good things, and God’s grace is enough for me.”
  • Negative Self-Talk: “I’m just not smart enough.”
    Positive Self-Talk: “God has given me wisdom, and I am capable of finding solutions.”

By shifting the story, you’re not just ignoring the challenges; you’re choosing to focus on the possibilities and God’s truths.

How to Stop Negative Talk?

Stopping negative self-talk patterns isn’t always easy, especially if it’s become a habit, but it’s definitely possible!

Breaking the habit of a negative view of yourself can be challenging, especially if it’s become second nature. It often creeps in during stressful situations, disappointment, or when we’re feeling overwhelmed, making us question our worth and abilities.

But with intention and practice, you can replace those negative thoughts with positive ones, allowing you to see yourself through a more compassionate and truthful perspective.

It’s about identifying those critical thoughts, challenging their accuracy, and choosing words that uplift and encourage.

This mindset shift can boost your confidence, help you tackle challenges with a renewed perspective, and align your thoughts with God’s truth.

Here are 5 tips to help you stop those negative thoughts:

  1. Pray for God’s Help: Ask God to renew your mind and help you focus on His truth. Prayer is powerful in breaking down those negative thought patterns.
  2. Replace Lies with Scripture: Find Bible verses that counter the lies you’re telling yourself. If you feel like you’re not enough, memorize verses like Philippians 4:13—“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
  3. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: The people you surround yourself with can have a huge impact on your mindset. Spend time with friends who encourage you and speak words of life.
  4. Practice Gratitude: When negative thoughts come up, pause and list three things you’re thankful for. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant in your life.
  5. Use Positive Self-Talk Worksheets: Writing down your thoughts and replacing them with positive affirmations can make a huge difference. It’s a practical way to catch, challenge, and change those negative thoughts. They help you improve your positive self-talk skills.

How Can I Practice Positive Self-Talk?

Practicing positive self-talk is a daily habit, much like prayer or reading the Bible.

It’s not just about saying nice things to yourself; it’s about consciously choosing thoughts that align with God’s truth and reflect the value He sees in you. Just as we turn to scripture for guidance and encouragement, we can train our minds to focus on affirmations that build us up, rather than tear us down.

This daily practice helps to shift your mindset from criticism to kindness, allowing you to treat yourself with the same grace that God offers.

One powerful way (and fun way!!!) to build this habit is by using positive self-talk worksheets. These simple worksheets guide you in identifying those negative thoughts that may hold you back and transforming them into affirmations that lift you up.

By writing down your thoughts, you create space to reflect on them and see where they may not be aligned with God’s love and truth. For example, a worksheet might prompt you to write down a negative thought like, “I’m always failing,” and then guide you to replace it with a positive affirmation such as, “I am learning and growing with each challenge.”

Using these journal worksheets for adults regularly can help you become more aware of your inner dialogue and catch those negative thoughts before they take root.

It’s a simple but effective tool for developing a new way of thinking that encourages you, especially on those tough days when self-doubt tries to creep in.

Over time, you’ll find that practicing positive self-talk becomes second nature, and you’ll be better equipped to approach life’s challenges with a mindset that is full of hope and possibility.

Steps to practice positive self-talk

Here’s how you can make positive self-talk part of your daily routines and help you get a positive outcome out of your day:

  • Start Your Day with Affirmations: Before you even get out of bed, remind yourself of a few positive truths. Say them out loud if you can! Create your personal list of positive affirmations or use ready-made morning positive affirmations or pre-made biblical affirmation worksheets.
  • Write It Down: Keep a journal of positive thoughts or verses that encourage you. When you’re feeling down, flip through it for a quick pick-me-up. These can become your go-to positive self-talk phrases.
  • Use Sticky Notes: Write affirmations or encouraging Bible verses on sticky notes and place them where you’ll see them throughout the day—like your mirror, car, or laptop.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: The next step is that when you mess up or fall short, don’t beat yourself up. Remind yourself that you’re a work in progress, just like everyone else.
  • Download Positive Self-Talk Worksheets: These worksheets are designed to guide you through reframing your thoughts. They can be a great tool to help you stay consistent.
  • Use Affirmative Prayers: Start or end your day with a simple prayer that affirms your worth and strength. Speak positively about your life and future, asking for guidance and expressing gratitude.

Positive Self-Talk Worksheet for Adults

To help you get started, I created several free positive self talk worksheets for adults. These free positive self-talk worksheets offer a variety of tools to help you build a habit of uplifting and encouraging inner dialogue.

Each simple worksheet guides you through the process of identifying and reframing negative thoughts, turning them into positive affirmations that help you get high self-esteem and boost your overall mindset.

The goal is to help you create a new way of thinking—one that aligns with a more compassionate and supportive view of yourself.

The positive self talk worksheets for adults include different exercises, like writing prompts for positive self-talk, creating “self-talk flowers” where each petal holds an encouraging thought, and even a space to write a letter to your future self.

These activities help you pause, reflect, and intentionally shift your mindset. You’ll have the chance to look at those negative thoughts that surface, challenge their accuracy, and replace them with words that build you up.

Using these worksheets regularly can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself and the way you approach daily challenges!

Set aside a few minutes each day to work through them, whether it’s in the morning to set a positive tone for the day or at night to reflect on your progress.

By making this a habit, you’ll start to see a shift in your inner dialogue, and over time, these positive thoughts will come more naturally to you.

In these free positive self-talk worksheets, you’ll find a variety of exercises to help shift your mindset, including:

  • Spaces to write down negative thoughts that have been holding you back.
  • Prompts to reframe those thoughts into uplifting and positive statements.
  • Activities to reflect on how these new affirmations influence your mood and outlook.

Each free worksheet helps you dig deep, recognize patterns in your thinking, and replace self-criticism with encouraging words. They are the perfect resource when you want to improve your self-talk and create a growth mindset.

The worksheets are a powerful tool to improve your low self-esteem through intentional, positive thinking. They’re easy to use and perfect for a few minutes of daily reflection.

Plus, you can revisit it whenever you feel those negative thoughts creeping back in.

And if you’re looking for more fun ways to work on your self-talk, you can add free positive affirmation coloring pages.

This is what you’ll get when you download the positive self talk worksheet pdf:

  • Introduction & background
  • The Three C’s Of Self-talk
  • Self-Talk Reframing (with instructions and worksheets)
  • Daily Tracker Pdf
  • Self-talk reflection (with instructions & worksheet)
  • Self-Talk Prompts (with instructions & speech balloon worksheets)
  • Positive Thinking Activities Pdf
  • Positive Self Talk Flowers Template Pdf
  • What Can Help Worksheet Pdf
  • Letter To Your Future Self

Click here to download your free positive self talk worksheets.

Take-Away: Positive Self-Talk Worksheet

I hope this blog has shown you how important positive self-talk can be, and how it can make a real difference in how you see yourself. Remember, you are so much more than your mistakes or shortcomings. You are God’s beloved, and He has amazing plans for you. Don’t let negative thoughts steal your joy or hold you back from living fully!

If you’re ready to start speaking life over yourself, download the free positive self-talk worksheet and take that first step. You deserve to feel confident, capable, and deeply loved!

As a certified life coach, I’d love to support you on this journey of positive self-talk. If you’re looking for one-on-one guidance to help replace those negative thoughts with uplifting, empowering ones, let’s chat! You can book a session with me, and together, we’ll create a plan to help you see yourself the way God sees you—worthy, cherished, and strong.

In case you missed it, here is your free download to all the positive self-talk worksheets.