Christel Owoo

I am Christel Owoo, I live in Ghana together with my husband and son. I am originally from The Netherlands. I am passionate about the word of God and the practical applicability thereof to daily life. I believe that it is only by truly knowing your identity in Christ, that you are able to live life to its full, in your God given potential. I got born again at the age of 25, after which I found my passion for writing. Since then I am led by the Word of God, providing me the inspiration to write. My motto in life is: "you can do it!". Which is based on Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

As busy women, it’s hard to find time to read the Bible, not even to mention time to study it. The demands placed on us can be daunting, not permitting even one second for ourselves. Still, God desires to fellowship with us through His Word. If we just need that extra help to study His […]

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Two smiling girls holding pinkies, who forgive and forget.

Forgiving someone who hurt us can be extremely difficult, especially when that person is (or was) very close to us. We carry pain, anger, frustration, and confusion, while we should walk in freedom. Adding to this is the guilt we can feel as Christians because we know we should forgive freely. But must we indeed […]

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Reading God’s Word is never a waste, it always saturates our spirit and soul. God gave His Word to us to learn from and to live on. He wants us to study the Bible to get to know Him more and more each day. You may wonder, does the Bible have Bible verses about Bible […]

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