Each day of our life is a gift from God, a special new beginning. Yesterday is gone, and a new day has begun. The Bible is filled with verses about new beginnings, applicable to any stage of our lives.
God’s Word offers wisdom, encouragement, and comfort for beginning a new stage in life. No matter what went wrong in our lives—sickness, loneliness, failed business, failures, mishaps, rejection, etc.—God offers us fresh tarts. He will not leave us where and how we are. He loves us too much to do that.
God will complete what He started in our lives and fulfill His purpose for us. He will give us a new beginning, each and every time we need it. Discover the 31 best Bible verses for new beginnings in this compilation of scripture quotes. Embrace a new journey with Jesus Christ.
What does God say about a fresh start?
What does God say about new beginnings? God’s word is full of verses about fresh starts, too many to capture in one article! The Bible teaches God is a God of second chances and that a fresh start is always possible through faith in Him.
Starting over is an inevitable part of life. We all make mistakes and experience setbacks, and sometimes the only way to move forward is to start anew. Fortunately, in the Bible, God offers guidance and wisdom on how to approach a fresh start in life.
Old and New Testaments alike offer many scriptures about God’s new beginnings. God’s love and mercy are renewed every day, and He is always willing to offer us a new beginning. However, it’s important to seek His forgiveness, let go of our past mistakes, and have faith and patience as we move forward.
With God’s help, we can overcome our struggles and embrace the new opportunities and blessings that lie ahead.
What verse says every morning is a new beginning?
God gave us life the day we were conceived. He gave us spiritual new life the day we got born again. This new life is usually affirmed through adult baptism. He offers us new beginnings each time something goes wrong. And He gives us a new start each day when a new day dawns.
Lamentations 3 verses 22 to 23 captures this very well:
Verse 1: new mercies
“Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”
“The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”
It is because of God’s mercy that we are not consumed—because of His love, we are still alive. There is no end to His faithfulness, mercy, and love. No end! Each day, He gives us a new beginning!
This verse in Lamentations is a powerful reminder that God’s love and mercy are renewed every day. It implies that each day is a clean slate and a way to encounter God’s grace. No matter what we’ve done or how far we’ve strayed from His path, God is always willing to offer us a fresh start and a chance to begin again.
What Scripture says about beginning again
God is the God of new beginnings. As such, His word is full of His promises of new beginnings and opportunities to start all over again.
When you are in the pit, God will take you out.
When you are brokenhearted, God will heal you.
When you feel alone, God will give you a family.
One of the profound scriptures about new beginnings is Isaiah 43:19 (NLT):
“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
Despite all their spiritual failings, God still shows His mercy to the Israelites. He will bring them back from Babylon and shower them with love. God was taking them on a new journey, giving them a new beginning.
God had provided for them in the past when He brought them out of Egypt, and He would do it again, but differently. We can also count on God for a new start.
God wanted the Israelites to look to the future instead of the past. He doesn’t want us to get stuck in our past, either. He can forge rivers through our dry deserts and forge pathways through our impenetrable woods.
The verse in Isaiah 43 encourages us to let go of our past mistakes and focus on the new things that God is doing. God can bring new life to seemingly hopeless situations and make a way where there was none before.
Nothing is impossible for God!
What Psalm is for a fresh start?
The Psalms are collections of ancient hymns of God’s people. They often set the poetry to music—but not always. The psalms express the emotion of the individual poet toward God or about God. All kinds of Psalms were written, showing various emotions and ideas about the psalmist’s situation.
There are too many great psalms to pin it down to one psalm for a new beginning. But I believe we can call it the ultimate new beginning when our sins are forgiven! Regardless of whether you have been a Christian all your life or are just beginning, the forgiveness of sin gives you a fresh start.
The Psalms are also excellent Bible verses to use for your New year’s resolutions. The start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to let go of the past and focus in the future.
Verse 3:
“Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt, whose lives are lived in complete honesty!”
Psalm 32:1-2 (NLT)
So, if you are looking for a good Bible verse for a new beginning, psalm 32 verses 1 and 2 are perfect.
It is then that we can sing a new sing to God! The song of a forgiven and grateful heart, the song of gratitude:
Verse 4: new song
“He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.”
Psalm 40:3 (NLT)
Bible verses about God being a new beginning
Creation itself is a total new beginning from God—God spoke, and it was. God’s Word is the new beginning.
Verse 5: new beginning
“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1 (NLT)
In the Old testament, God announces the coming of a different fresh start.
Verse 6: new branch
“Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot—yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root.”
Isaiah 11:1 (NLT)
Verse 7: new life
“This desolation will continue until new life is poured out on us from heaven. Then the wilderness will become an orchard and the orchard will be considered a forest.”
Isaiah 32:15 (NLT)
Bible verses about a new beginning for us in Christ
In the New Testament are many Bible verses about new beginnings—as the coming of Jesus is the ultimate new beginning. In Christ, we are made completely new.
Verse 8: new life
“Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life.”
1 Corinthians 15:22 (NLT)
Verse 9: new life
“He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.”
“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
2 Corinthians 5:15, 17 (NLT)
These verses show that through faith in Christ, we can experience a radical transformation and become a new creation. It implies that the past no longer has power over the present and that a fresh start is possible.
Verse 10: new life
“Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone.”
Romans 5:18 (NLT)
Jesus explains the new beginning He gives in the verses that capture the conversation between Him and Nicodemus:
“Jesus replied, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.’ ‘What do you mean?’ exclaimed Nicodemus. ‘How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?’ Jesus replied, ‘I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life’.”
John 3:3-6 (NLT)
Once we are born again, we can live in a new relationship with God as friends.
“So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.”
Romans 5:11 (NLT)
Even though God gives us new beginnings freely, He expects us to receive them with gratitude and live according to it. He doesn’t want us to continue living the old life, but let our new lives give glory to Him in everything we do.
Verse 13: new life
“For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.” “Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.”
Romans 6:4, 13 (NLT)
Verse 14: new way
“But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.”
Romans 7:6 (NLT)
Verse 15: new ‘clothes’
“And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes.”
Verse 16: new nature
Galatians 3:27 (NLT)
“Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.”
Ephesians 4:23-24 (NLT)
Verse 17: new life
“For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead.”
Colossians 2:12 (NLT)
Verse 18: born again
“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation.”
1 Peter 1: 3 (NLT)
‘The God of New Beginnings’ provides rich insights, examples, and guidance for receiving your new beginning from God.
You will learn to grasp God’s nature, trust Him, and rely on His unfailing love for you.
Bible verses new beginnings
New beginnings come in various forms. The Bible provides verses for each situation in our lives. We can ask the Holy Spirit to blow life into our hearts when we read each of these scriptures. We can be certain that when God gives us a new beginning, our lives will transform into something beautiful. We will transform into our God-given purpose.
God’s word is alive and powerful. It will bring to pass what it promises.
Bible verses about new beginnings are also an excellent choice to use as Christian New Year quotes.
Verse 19: new strength
“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31 (NLT)
Verse 20: new way
“Therefore, since God in his mercy has given us this new way, we never give up.”
2 Corinthians 4:1 (NLT)
Verse 21: new covenant
“’The day is coming’, says the Lord, ‘when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah’.”
Jeremiah 31:31 (NLT)
Verse 22: new heart and new spirit
“And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.”
Ezekiel 36:26 (NLT)
Verse 23: new wine
“The threshing floors will again be piled high with grain, and the presses will overflow with new wine and olive oil.”
Joel 2:24 (NLT)
Verse 24: new things out of nothing
“That is what the Scriptures mean when God told him, ‘I have made you the father of many nations.’ This happened because Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing.”
Romans 4:7 (NLT)
Verse 25: new body
“We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us.”
Romans 8:23 (NLT)
Verse 26: new thinking
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
Romans 12:2 (NLT)
Verse 27: new believers
“As soon as they arrived, they prayed for these new believers to receive the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 8:15 (NLT)
Verse 28: new harvest
“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives.”
John 12:24 (NLT)
Bible verse new beginning in Heaven
God promised us a new beginning when we are in Heaven, with Him. Even though it isn’t until the book of Revelation that we see the manifestation of this promise, Isaiah already prophesied about it.
Verse 29: new heavens and new earth
“Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth, and no one will even think about the old ones anymore.”
Isaiah 65:17 (NLT)
Lord Jesus Himself also spoke about the new beginning in Heaven.
Verse 30: new world
“Jesus replied, ‘I assure you that when the world is made new and the Son of Man sits upon his glorious throne, you who have been my followers will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel’.”
Matthew 19:28 (NLT)
Our final Bible verse about new beginnings is in Revelation. It is a good verse, describing the ultimate renewal God gives: everything will be new.
Verse 31: everything new!
“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true’.”
Revelation 21:4-5 (NLT)
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